So, let me start by asking you a question, what is art anyway? Art is anything that lightens your soul and makes it content. As it is the best way to express your thoughts and emotions, it cannot be contained within boundaries. Art is a method by which you can use the fire inside you in an efficacious manner without extinguishing it.

Let me bring into your notice some common pieces of art you see in your everyday life. Ranging from the tiniest new features in the designs of the clothes we wear to the ever-growing beauty of nature, culture is art, tradition is art, almost everything we see around us is art.

Like I just mentioned above, culture is art and evidently, India overflows with culture i.e. India is filled with art. People from different countries, even continents, speak different languages, have different cultures and traditions, have widely different lifestyles and live kilometers far from each other and are still united by art; be it music, dance, musicals, theatre or art that we create using colours and a mere piece of paper. Art is the single thing that can shatter the boundaries of racism, sexism, homophobia and male/female toxicity.

It pains me to say that although India is filled with art, it is one of the places where art is respected the least and one of the least paid occupations. During this pandemic, artists are one of the people that are suffering and are the community which is the least talked about. They are hugely underpaid and aren't appreciated enough, they deserve so much more. In the end, I'd like to say that art is something that needs to be talked about way more than it is done right now, and should be encouraged.
